Thursday, October 31, 2019

The business plan of Super Stars sports facility Essay

The business plan of Super Stars sports facility - Essay Example This paper discusses that Super Stars will be a sports organization which will be focused on enhancing and inculcating sports values among the community members in Bradford city in the United Kingdom. Currently, there are very few multi-sports facilities in Bradford and hence the company hopes to fill this gap. The kind of sporting activities that will be trained includes swimming, skiing, skate boarding, athletics, rugby, golfing, gymnastics, football and hockey. The organizations planned keys to success involves putting the customers wants first and working hard towards satisfying them. The organization will also use appropriate marketing facilities for its services, creating a conducive environment for its operations, purchase quality sports equipments and hiring qualified staffs to assist in the management of the activities. The Super Stars sports facility hopes to target people who have the passion for getting physically fit. It will provide all the necessary facilities that are required in order for people to exercise and attain maximum satisfaction. The members will be both adults and the children and it involves both genders. The sports facility will be a member’s only facility. The membership will be divided into a adult membership, students membership and junior membership. The juniors include children between the age of 5 and 14 years. The adults are those above the age of 14. The membership fee for the junior plan will be 40 pounds plus a 240 pounds annual subscription fee. The adults’ membership fee shall be 50 pounds plus an annual subscription fee of 360 pounds. ... However, students will be granted a fee waiver to encourage them to engage in sporting activities which include a 45 pounds membership fee plus a 300 pounds annual subscription fee. At the beginning of its operations, Super Stars sporting organization will use funds from the government and community contributions to finance its operations. The government has advanced 9,000,000 pounds towards the setting up of the facility. It hopes that the community will contribute 2,000,000 pounds. These funds will be used to purchase the necessary equipments, setting up the entire business, hiring trainers, and maintenance of the facility and equipments. The organization hopes to achieve 52, 000 pounds at the end of the first financial year. By the end of five years the facility hopes that the profits will have increased to around 250,000 pounds per year. Vision Statement The vision statement is a description of the picture of the organization in the long term or in the middle term. It is a clear picture of the organization that describes its desired outcome that seeks to energize, inspire, influence, and enables one to have a mental picture of what the organization hopes to attain( shank, 2005,p.75). It represents a framework for an individual’s comprehensive strategic planning and refers to the inspiration of the organization. It involves the articulation of the organizations dreams and hopes. It helps the organization in making a choice between the current and the future courses of action. It puts together the goals and objectives of the organization. In connection to sporting activities, the vision statement is set so as to provide it with a blueprint for success and set a foundation for what the long term goal is (Elitesportleader, 2012, p. 1). An effective vision

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Health Promotion Plan on Substance Abuse Assignment

Health Promotion Plan on Substance Abuse - Assignment Example The selected population stratum for this teaching program is teenage school students within the age limit of 13-14 years. This segment is particularly selected because researches have shown that substance abuse usually begins in early teenage life due to various factors and not only affects the quality of present life by causing physical and mental distress but also leads to alcoholism and drug addiction later. Literature Review Alcoholism and drug addiction is an increasing problem in adolescents these days. Various researches conducted have shown an increasing trend in the consumption of sentence abuse. Where there are various factors identified for this increased pattern of consumption, one of them was found to be unsupervised teenage life in which substance abuse leads to addiction in later part of life. According to researches conducted by Changalwa et al. (2012), Bahr and Hoffman (2012) and, Peckham and Morgan-Lopez (2007), there is a direct link between parenting styles and su bstance abuse in teenagers and adolescents. Teenagers with unhealthy or strained bonding with their parents and guardians tend to develop inclination towards substance abuse during their teenage life which leads to addiction in future. ... ces of them drinking excessively later in life.† Hence, children with their parents having authoritative parenting style tend to develop healthy personalities since this parenting style is a combination of love, independence and supervision allowing children to make decisions (shunning rebellion resulting substance abuse) but with necessary guidance (which allows teenagers to be aware of what is harmful for them and do not give them over-independence). Therefore, child’s desires are well-respected but with necessary controls imposed. According to American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (2011), â€Å"The most commonly used illegal drugs are marijuana (pot), stimulants (cocaine, crack, and speed), LSD, PCP, opiates, heroin, and designer drugs (Ecstasy).   The use of illegal drugs is increasing, especially among young teens.   The average age of first marijuana use is 14, and alcohol use can start before age 12.   The use of marijuana and alcohol in high school has become common†. It is important to note that drugs and alcohol are not easily accessible commodities. Therefore, for teenagers to have access to them means getting involved in criminal activities or being present in an environment which is harmful for their cognitive growth. According to researches of Baumrind (1991) and Njenga (2005), environment and inheritance are the two decisive factors which instigate substance abuse in teenagers. For an environment, current family setup, daily settings including academic setup and playgrounds, cultural forces and peer pressure are the basic elements which have direct impact on the teenagers and adolescents. On the other hand, hereditary traits also play a vital role in inducing substance abuse even if the environment is healthy enough. Various researches

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Re-patronage Intentions in Restaurants

Re-patronage Intentions in Restaurants The relationship between Dining attributes Customer satisfaction and Re-patronage Intentions in Restaurants ABSTRACT This Research is intended to study the relationship between dining attributes, customer satisfaction and customers re-patronage intentions in the perspective of the restaurant industry. The respondents were 105 restaurant patrons who completed the self constructed questionnaire. Optimal Scaling (CATREG) indicated that dining attributes and customer satisfaction has a positive association on customers re-patronage intentions. This analysis highlighted Dining Attributes and customer satisfaction is significant predictors to customers re-patronage intentions. As in comparison Customer Satisfaction is stronger predictor then Dining Attributes. Key words: Dining Attributes, Customer Satisfaction, Re-patronage Intentions, Restaurant Industry INTRODUCTION In this research the main focused is to find the direct effect of Dining attributes Customer satisfaction on Customers Re-patronage intentions in Restaurants Industry. The dining practice is the part of hospitality industry which is very complex as in term of customer satisfaction and expectation meet. This difficulty is due to the level of customer participation in the service procedure (Kandampully, 1997; Parasuraman, Zeithaml, Berry, 1985). Customers view of the dining perceptive is highly linked by intentions from the dealings with the service agent. Nightingale (1979). In the model in Figure 1, this shows the relationship between dining attributes customer satisfaction and Re-patronage intentions in restaurants. Also, the dining service classification is based in response of customer feedback, telling that service quality exist barely in the insight of the customer, not in that of service providers (Kandampully, 1997). As conclude that, understanding of customer wants about the dining practice becomes very essential part to in the success of restaurants. The purpose of study fold in two parts: one suggests that how important is dining attributes in term of Re-patronage intentions and second part suggest the customer satisfaction which leads Re-patronage intentions in restaurants. The role of dining attributes and customer satisfaction is very important for knowing the customer intentions, would they will visit to that restaurants again or not. Restaurants should focused not only quality food and service but to retain the level of satisfaction and like to delight the customer. Customer wants should be met and this way customer will feel satisfy and willing to come again in restaurants. In this dynamic environment meeting customer requirement is difficult task as it varies from customer to customer. Achieving the customer satisfactions will leads towards market share as well as loyalty towards your restaurants. Restaurant is like a brand in hospitality industry and to maintain the progress of brand its necessary to keep the effective measure in terms of customer demands and fulfillments. While considering the dining practice, dining attributes has large number of factors that influence the customers demands and satisfaction and in review of research there is food, service, ambience and convenience in corporate as part of research. Customer satisfaction is mostly measure as expectancy disconfirmation model which tells that if customers expectation met that shows customer is satisfied. To be in need of success of restaurants its very important for the manager of the restaurant to meet the customer requirements and demands should be fulfill as per customers perceptions. Dining practice is a combination of quality and service provided by restaurants providers. Basically the restaurants industry based on valuing to customer and their wants should be met. The general concept of dining experience is most critical while considering influential factor cause its not necessary the review research focused on all factors which are treated as dining factors. The point of view in this paper recommend that the customers dining decision whether to return back or not to revisit restaurant is the moment of final truth for the restaurateur, as contrasting to simply customers decision to revisit the restaurant. As Lowenstein (1995) conclude, it is one thing to be a magnet for the customers, but reasonably another to remain them returning. If we are to admit the notion, in consumer studies and marketing literature that come again or repurchase is an outcome of satisfaction, then the conclusion to revisit to the restaurant, while conducting this research observation made that customer decide to re-patronage on bases of performance met or expectation exceed. LITERATURE REVIEW Whether we live to eat or eat to live, food always plays a fundamental role in the lives of human being. The significance of foodstuff cannot be overstated from the physiological viewpoint; food gives us sustenance; while on the other hand from a psychological point of view food is classified as a basic need. Food can also characterize a product used to describe self-actualization. Therefore, individual can quarrel that above and beyond provided that nourishment food plays a variety of roles together at individual and group level (David Njite, 2005). Eating is observably a daily action and necessity for all human beings. Depending on individuals reason for eating at restaurants, individual intentionally or instinctively assess a multifarious set of attributes ahead of choosing a restaurant. The significance involved to these restaurant attributes is ultimately evaluated in the patrons mind, leading to a decision of purchasing. Some factors, like age, company and even social division come into take part in to amplify these attributes as the customer makes a decision of purchase (David Njite, 2005). In todays fast rapidity and progressively more competitive market, the base line of a firms promotion and marketing strategies, tactics and procedure is to make profits and add to the growth of the company. Customer satisfaction, contentment, quality of the service, excellence and retention are global matter that influences all organizations. This include all type of organizations, it can be large or small, global or local profit or non-profit, services provider (Yap Sheau Fen, Kew Mei Lian). The restaurant industry has undoubtedly not been free from either augmented competition or from increasing customer expectations regarding quality. In the greatly competitive food industry, large operators chain have a propensity to gain competitive gain in the course of cost leadership, likely only due to standardization and economies of scale beginning from large market shares, while smaller, independent restaurants on the other hand endeavor to gain benefit through differentiation (Yun Lok Lee and Nerilee Hing, 1995). The food industry is highly aggressive and patrons have also become more demanding due to sufficient knowledge and information they have about the different trends in restaurant industry which causes increase the significance of effective marketing strategies to get the competitive advantage in order to understand the wants and needs of the customers (David Njite, 2005). Numerous companies are paying attention in studying, assessing and implementing the marketing strategies with the aim of gaining maximum market share of customers and improving customer retention in analysis of the advantageous effects on the monetary performance for the organization. Customer satisfaction, contentment, quality of the service, excellence and retention are global matter that influences all organizations. This include all type of organizations, it can be large or small, global or local profit or non-profit (Yap Sheau Fen, Kew Mei Lian). Customer satisfaction is defined as the consumers fulfillment response. It is a judgment that the service or product features, its attributes provided a delightful level of consumption associated achievement including levels of under fulfillment or over fulfillment (Jochen Wirtz, Anna s. Mattila, Rachel l. P. Tan, 2000).This definition of satisfaction proposes that the assessment method covers the whole utilization experience. This feature is essential in the learning of consumer satisfaction in services, given the empirical, interactive character of service encounter (Bateson and Hoffman, 1999). Customer satisfaction is a key element for the planning of the marketing in view of the fact that satisfaction does sway customers intention to re-patronage the restaurant. Therefore, marketers are supposed to look into the issues that would have an effect on customer satisfaction intensity. Besides, as customer prospect are altering over time and it is advised to determine the customer satisfaction and expectation on regular basis and grip complaints timely and effectively (Yap Sheau Fen, Kew Mei Lian). Customer satisfaction is regularly used as a sign of whether patrons will come back to a restaurant. Whereas there is no agreement of a satisfied customers repeat visit, it is nearly certain that a not satisfied patron will not return. A study of the basics or attributes of patron satisfaction be supposed to give indication concerning what action a restaurant service manager must take to raise the probability that patrons will appear back. It appears that study is not often concluded that the remarkable rate of malfunction in the restaurant service industry advices that the management can find the targets of converting patron satisfaction into financial achievement a vague one. We accept as true that restaurant failures are partially a consequence of managements lack of strategic direction in determining and focusing on customer contentment and satisfaction (Dube, Laurette, Renaghan, Leo M, Miller, Jane M, 1994) The majority of the preceding customer satisfaction researches are mentioned in the literature that has pay attention on recognizing the resource of customer contentment such as characteristic and attributes and on determining useful ways to establish consumers desires, wants and needs. On the other hand, significant dissimilarity comes out in the level of specify of the characteristic investigated (JaksÃÆ'?a Kivela, Robert Inbakaran, John Reece, 1999). Customer satisfaction is vital to the restaurant management for the reason that it is normally assumed to be a noteworthy determinant of replicate sales, customer loyalty and affirmative word of mouth. The more pleased the customers, the larger are their retention (Anderson and Sullivan, 1993). The impacts of customer satisfaction on customer retention are bringing into being to be momentous and positive. Specially, the customer satisfaction will influence the re patronage intentions (Taylor, S. A., and Baker, 1994). Quality is defined as a nil defects doing it right for the first time. Information and knowledge about goods quality is inadequate to recognize service quality. In customers mind when there is no defect in the overall dining service, then they consider the quality of the food is good enough for them (Parasuraman et al., 1985). Quality is all about eliminating internal failures that means all shortcomings before the product leaves from the factory and the external failures are the defects after usage of the product (Garvin 1983). In Early research and study efforts in measuring and defining quality were mainly centred in the tangible goods, whereas the apparently more complicated services products was ignored. Products quality was conventionally correlated to the technical stipulation of products, with the most description of quality coming up from the manufacturing goods sector where excellence and quality control has inward drawn out awareness and research (Gronroos, 1990). The significance of elevated quality service given to business success, there are various prospective benefits for the management of restaurants from performing a customer-based assessment of the service quality veteran at their organization. In restaurant industry, the intangible nature of services means that particular specifications for the homogeneous quality of service are complicated if at all probable to set. This sometimes put together it difficult for restaurant managers, workforce and patrons to calculate, measure, assessment or confirm service productivity and service quality (Yun Lok Lee and Nerilee Hing, 1995). A restaurant service engages a route or a performance in which customers are involved in the overall service production process. This happens due to the interaction of the consumers with the service surroundings and personnel throughout the utilization experience, understanding consumers sentimental response become vital in replicating satisfaction in a service locale. Earlier research in services has made known that affective processes throughout the consumption phase might play a straight, unmediated role in determining customer satisfaction (Liljander and Strandvik, 1996). Quantifying service quality is a difficult task because the idea of service quality is intrinsically insubstantial in nature and complicated to define (Kandampully, 1997).The concept of service quality comprises the tangible and intangible fundamentals most essential to consumers. Service quality has been related to customer satisfaction, contentment and loyalty as well as the business performance, success and profitability (Lasser, 2000). Branding and its orientation have been wicker strongly into the contemporary act of consumption in restaurants. Undeniably, the previous century will be considered as the century of brands in marketing (Caldwell, 2000). As in numerous other industries, edifice brands have become a key focus of restaurant managers. Furthermore, restaurant managers are relating brand management theories and practices which have done so far, and lots of restaurants are redesigning their business missions to imitate branding orientation rather than they go for product orientation. There is also an influence of brand recall on consumers intensions in choosing a restaurant for dining due to the different discount offers through different mediums of advertising that mostly include the below the line activities that makes restaurants brands that diminish the perceived risk of pay for the food and also indicate the quality of the product that creates their willingness to make wider positive word of mouth, recommendations, and complaint intention (David Njite, 2005; Muller, 1998). Branding keeps on gaining importance in the marketing of restaurants services and marketers have spent lot of money to create and give support to brand images. This have seen in the marketing of strong and well defined brands like Mc Donalds and Kfc fast food restaurants which attracts the customer through their marketing , service and by making brand loyal customers of their products. This increases the re-patronage rate due to satisfied and loyal customer. Particularly, there is lot more to discern about patrons perceive restaurant brands and the comparative weight these links get during purchase decision as there is lot more to discern about patrons perceive restaurant brands and the comparative weight these links get during purchase decision (David Njite, 2005; Muller, 1998). Researchers have acknowledged customer satisfaction, service quality and the loyalty to be similarly important for marketers, because they are responsible for determining dining satisfaction, and they must know the important of dining that must position restaurant functions competitively in the current and future marketplace (Bitner, 1992). Customer satisfaction and the quality of food have long been acknowledged as a essential function for success and endurance in competitive marketplace that have been connected to consumer behavioral intentions as purchase and loyalty intention, their willingness to widen positive word of mouth, recommendation, and complaint intention (Olsen, 2002). The relative significance of a service characteristic and attributes depends on how greatly the re-patronage purchase objective distorted as soon as the level of the attribute distorted (Dube, Laurette, Renaghan, Leo M, Miller, Jane M, 1994) Testing customer demands mean that management of the restaurant must make an effort to deliver not only quality food stuffs and services, but at the same time a high level of dining satisfaction that will lead to increased customer return results in re-patronage of customer and greater market share(John Reece, Robert Inbakaran, JaksÃÆ'?a Kivela , 1999). The consequence of customer satisfaction and contentment in relation to possession rates, return rates and equally management researchers and experts in the generosity field have long urged profitability (Almanza et al, 1994). The amount of customer satisfaction study has improved considerably since the early 1970s, and for the duration of this era, customer satisfaction come into view as a genuine field of enquiry. Come up from this study, a number of theories involving to customer satisfaction contain emerged and were bring in to the literature. The majority of these were attached in cognitive psychology for the reason that of the narrow description of customer satisfaction in earlier research and studies and a few have received reasonable consideration in the literature (JaksÃÆ'?a Kivela, Robert Inbakaran, John Reece, 1999) Purchase behavior of the consumer in restaurants can be pretentious by the surroundings in different ways. We consider atmosphere, which is an attention-building medium that can make restaurant inkling. The center of attention is based on the collective possessions of those clues on customers idiosyncratic through design, sound, motion, and color. Customers are delimited by true rock and roll memorabilia. As a meaning- generating medium, the environment gives discriminative motivation to buyers that facilitate them to identify a restaurants divergences as a source for select that restaurant. For instance, snowy white linen tablecloths, the soft lighting, and crystal chandeliers of a chic restaurant communicate the level of service and a kind of food to customers that create a fine-dining experience (Berry, L, 2006). The indication of Service in selecting by means of restaurant services, customers frequently act like detectives as they investigate for information and standardize their opinions into a set of mind-set regarding the resultant service. For example, the whole thing about the dining attributes of a restaurant or cafÃÆ'Â © starts from the dining table potential communicate to the customers, with the table top used, if practical sign concern the technical excellence of the service, mainly concerning to whether the service is carry out proficiently Eileen (A. Wall and Leonard L. Berry, 2007). Customer satisfaction, preferences and re-patronage also depends on the taste and freshness of the food in a restaurant that is the main functional clue which is the suitable pacing of the food. Tone of voice, level of enthusiasm smile of a restaurant hostess, body language and sincere greeting of the service employees has a positive impact on customer re-patronage. Customer feels belongingness and sense of affection and importance which makes them satisfy which leads to the brand loyalty for that particular restaurant resulting in the customer re-patronage due to the above mentioned dining attributes which includes functional clues, humanic clues and mechanical clues (Eileen A. Wall and Leonard L. Berry, 2007). Fundamentals such as surface and texture, smell, color, sound, and texture inducing intuitive reactions in restaurant atmosphere that persuades purchase likelihood known as the mechanical clues. For paradigm, the aroma of chocolate chip cookies baking generates affectionate feelings, and stimulates their enthusiasm for a treat (Berry, L. L., E. A. Wall, and L. P. Carbone. 2006). The food and service dining attributes includes the assortment, quality of the menu and presentation of food and beverage offerings (Palmer, A., ONeill, M. 2003). Using this information, restaurant management should focus their efforts and hard work on ensuring an appealing assortment of drink offerings presented in appealing and unique ways. Food and drink quality is an imperative dining attributes to diners representing restaurant management should certify an aggressive quality control agenda is in place to make sure food and drink quality must maintained (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). Food quality is obviously one of the key success factors of any restaurant to satisfy the customer but if there is any rude, bored rigid or an unfriendly server can be the point of fact to spoil the customers restaurant experience still if the food was prepared appropriately (Parsa, H. G., J. T. Self, D. Njite, and T. King. 2005). The importance of the perceived quality in order to get the re-patronage effect in restaurant industry is always considered as a main element to retain in the patrons and the business. The main reason behind that in this industry entry barrier are usually low and any one can easily enter due to investment required that is not on the higher side. So the point is that when ever consumer is satisfy from the arrangement by the management, the quality of the food provided by the staff members with the positive attitude than this result in increasing the loyalty towards the particular restaurant and increases the re-patronage intensions of the customers. This increases in the restaurant business revenue as well and this increases the word of mouth publicity (Bowen and Cummings 1990). Evaluating quality awareness and price elasticity related to quality, suggested that buyers are generally steady in their evaluations of quality. The results of their study showed that there was a strong association between a products attributes and the quality perceptions of the customers (Saleh, F. Ryan, C, 1991).The research also highlighted that customers who pay for high quality foodstuffs also had a low acceptance for deviations from predictable quality (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009) In the restaurant perspective, this entails that customers who want superior dining quality are more sensitive to quality fluctuations and possibly will be less price sensitive but, for example in relation to the relative higher pricing of the menu items and marketing strategies that put together the quality image of the restaurant, ambience and service (Raajpoot, N. A. 2002). Another attention-grabbing finding was that a products higher volume rate like for instance, fast food restaurants resulted in a lower sensitivity side to quality. This shows that management of restaurants must segment the market based on the food usage rate includes the repeat purchase of the particular item and quality preferred (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). The previous research shows the effect of physical quality construct on behavioral intentions for restaurant consumer and finds that influence is a strong moderator between tangible quality constructs and behavioral intentions when cognition affect actions archetype is applied to the restaurant location (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). It was found that tangible quality has a bigger circumlocutory effect than the straight effect indicates from a theoretical point of view; affect was a fractional mediator, facilitating the association among tangible quality and behavior (Wakefield, K., L., Blodgett, J., G., 1996). Tangible quality on its own may have a weaker influence and effect on behavior, but it helps in developing feelings and sense of attachment towards the restaurant, which results in a stronger influence on behavior. Restaurants supposed to strive for enlightening positive feelings to their brand name by maneuvering tangible attributes (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). An intangible service delivery element is not surprisingly the most noteworthy constructs influencing customer affect to restaurants are food and service, staff, and convenience (Sureshchander, G. S., Rajendran, C., Anatharaman, R., N. 2002). Customers craving high quality products suitably prepared and will reward restaurant management with their devotion and loyalty. The consumption of seasonal foodstuffs, awareness of existing trends in menu offerings and preparation, and the audacity to initiate new techniques of preparation of conventional stuff are some implication for restaurant management (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). As an outcome, the restaurants whole environment of service, the atmospherics of feelings of the surroundings is always very imperative in seminal both patrons and front line staff attitude about the procedures and service delivery outcome. This entails that, it was very important that the awareness of the tangible pressure on service quality, such as the substantial and physical facilities, and the appearance of personnel (Bowen and Cummings 1990). The team build addresses the identical, approach, and gender mix. The importance of gender mix is important for management so that they understand the importance of diversity of gender in their service workforce. Member of staff serving at table received larger tips from patrons who are the opposed gender than from patrons comparing to the one who is same in gender (Hubbard et al., 2003). It is likely to conclude from the larger tips received from server of the opposite sex that the restaurant patrons take pleasure in being served by the server of the opposite sex, so it is suggested to the management to make sure that there should be a mix of genders within the service staff. Therefore researcher believes that it is safe to put together the allegation that the selection of persons with an optimistic service orientation is in the superlative interests of restaurant management (Hubbard et al., 2003). There is significance of the Costumes worn by restaurant service workers are considerable to customer satisfaction. They bring into being that service staff uniforms positively added to the overall player satisfaction (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). One more factor for the customer re-patronage which really brings customers back is that the customer likes to have a positive attitude of employee throughout the dining as a support for the disputation that employee approach is strongly linked with customer satisfaction. Ease and the location of the restaurant is also considerable and also the other factor influence customers to select that particular restaurant which satisfy their needs and wants regarding quality of the food and the restaurant environment. This leads in the increase of the re-patronage rate and the loyalty of the customers towards that restaurant diners have an effect on restaurant (Johnson et al, 2004). The convenience of location includes the parking space, seating availability in the restaurant; the nearness to roof-tops like peoples residence, hotels, and motels is significant for the accomplishment of restaurants all through the dinner mealtime duration. The consequences of well-situated parking must not be the lost upon restaurant management. Often the cost of attaining parking near to a restaurant is sighted as a non-revenue generating expenditure. This specifies the value of given that well-located parking along with the direct consequence it has on consumer intentions to patronize a restaurant (Kuo et al. 1999). The significance of the physical excellence raise of foodstuff and service and convenience to restaurant administration is to facilitate these constructs that have an affirmative association with influence which is completely linked with customer intentions to re-patronize a restaurant. The objective of most restaurants is to obtain and maintain customers; restaurant administration organized with the information get that will be better prepared to accomplish their aim (Dr. Clark Kincaid, Prof. Seyhmus Baloglu, Dr. Zhenxing Mao, Dr. James Busser, 2009). The front line workforce should be well trained to be extra quick to responsive and susceptible to customer desires; accordingly providing services to facilitate that are more proficient, successful, effective and efficient. Adding up, the atmosphere of the restaurant can also be enhanced by make certain cleanliness and favorable ambience with suitable music and lighting (Yap Sheau Fen, Kew Mei Lian). There is a intense deficient in understanding about dining satisfaction and pleasure and post-dining behavioral intentions in the customer literature reviewed studied so far away, and up till now, according to the literature allude to, aspects concerning to customer satisfaction and return patronage are elementary when put together business and marketing strategies of the organization. It is suggested that commonly and normally used indicators of customer satisfaction comprise repeat patronage behavior, brand loyalty and reliability and at last word of mouth recommendation (Lowenstein 1995). The basics or attributes of patron pleasure be supposed to give intimation concerning what proceedings a food restaurant manager ought to take to raise the chances that patrons will appear back. Managing for most favorable buyer happiness requires that liking information is used to put forward those strategies that can help a restaurant business manager can boost up its performance (Dube, Laurette, Renaghan, Leo M, Miller, Jane M, 1994). The features of satisfied patrons illustrated that the satisfaction with a food eaten results beginning a convergence of quite a few attributes, together with food superiority, menu assortment, environment, consistency of a food quality, and waiting time for a meal to deliver. For every potential development in service blueprint, managers must ballpark figure the marginal variation in satisfaction and reiterate purchase that would affect commencing a particular change in the standards of operations (Dube, Laurette, Renaghan, Leo M, Miller, Jane M, 1994). In restaurants tangibles are appropriate to the restaurants physical facilities, paraphernalia and manifestation of personnel. While restaurant patrons do not take delivery of only serving of food, but also a huge component of service, they undeniably depend on erstwhile indication in the deficiency of tangible verification by which to measure service quality (Yun Lok Lee and Nerilee Hing, 1995). Whenever we talk about Customer satisfaction, consistency refers to the administration 0f the organisations capability to execute the agreed service reliably and precisely. In restaurants this may well engage reservations of dining tables, obedience to patron requirements concerning the preparation of items listed in the menu and exact billing. This helps the management to retain their existing customers and at same time attracts the different other customers (Yun Lok Lee and Nerilee Hing, 1995). In the case of customer satisfaction Receptiveness refers to the eagerness of service giver to facilitate patrons and make available quick service. Professed service quality may perhaps be improved if patrons are support with the mauve list and bill of fare and if a worker responds suitably to a patrons asked for quick service. Customer always feel admire and important if they ge

Friday, October 25, 2019

Kafkas The Trial :: Kafka Trial Essays

Kafka's The Trial Kafka's The Trial follows a man, K., as he is arrested and released for an unknown offense and attends a series of bizarre trials. He tries to comprehend and extricate himself from an outrageous course of events, which transpire suddenly in his life. K. is persecuted by this unimaginable court, which seems to hold a quasi-authoritative place in society. K.'s life seems to spiral out of control while he and the reader struggle to understand what is going on. Kafka uses this piece to criticize bureaucracy, even in a seemingly democratic society. Kafka believes that bureaucracy is endangering the freedoms of the individual in modern society and that it is extremely detrimental to society in the long run. It is not readily identifiable what geographical location Kafka is referring to in The Trial. Based on the rest of the novel's bizarre twists and turns it seems that Kafka did not want to nail down any concrete location to weight down his surrealist story. While there is no link with any known location (other than perhaps Kafka's hometown of Prague) the surroundings are modern and urban. In The Trial, K spends most of his time in various buildings with very little mention of any identifying characteristics. Kafka seems to center around middle class urbanites for the most part. Kafka tackles the evils of government and bureaucracy, concentrating on the social implications of these man made authorities on the individual. Reification seems to serve a pervasive role in Kafka's The Trial. Reification is when something abstract is given material worth by a society It seems that Kafka is questioning how the legal system has been given so much authority and power making it a material entity. In 1912, when Kafka penned The Trial, the rise of the republic was evident around Europe. There was a renewed emphasis on realism and rationale, which also makes an appearance in The Trial. When published, Kafka's novels "evoked the hopelessness of individuals confronting a relentless, machinelike society in which they are minor cogs". As the threat of war swirled in Europe (World War I was just on the horizon), anti Semitism and nationalism surrounded Kafka. In the arts, the rise of modernity created a challenge to positivism that could not be silenced.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Feasibility of Dried Tobacco Leaves as a Pesticide Against Cockroaches

THE FEASIBILITY OF DRIED TOBACCO LEAVES AS A PESTICIDE AGAINST COCKROACHESChapter I Abstract Tobacco plants  nowadays are very much needed and demanded by most of our dear consumers especially farmer and now that we are facing an intense economic crisis, and with that mere situation, the primary necessities which are very much needed by man in order for him to survive his daily living are now of higher prices compared to the last couple of years and that includes the demanding need and use of the liquefied petroleum gas or LPG. Because of the fact that this difficult situation happens, most of our dear consumers really do prefer using alternative briquettes for their different cooking purposes. The purpose of this study is to be able to produce a low-cost, attainable and alternative briquette. The researcher really wants to know if banana peelings can be a good source of briquettes. The researcher gathered all the materials needed in conducting the said experiment like the banana peelings, scratched papers, water, measuring cup, knife, platform balance, scissors, molders, matches, pen, and paper and conducted the said experiment step by step. Then the researcher came up with the results that the molder with water, banana peelings and papers showed the longest time of fire resistance after being lit. Therefore, using banana peelings as a source of briquettes is effective and through this, awe can be able to produce a low-cost, attainable and alternative source of briquette. The researcher recommended further study and other sources of fruit peelings. Background Of The Study The tobacco plant is a very popular material because it is one of the ingredients in making cigarettes. Tobacco is a herbaceous plant widely cultivated for it's leaves, which are rolled into cigars and also used in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. Some commercial used tobacco leaves as one of its components. The tobacco plant is coarse, fast growing plant with a simple cylindrical stem from 4 to 8 ft. in length, growing from central taproots. Tobacco leaves has â€Å"nicotine†, a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects. Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and controlling insects and other pests With this study, the researchers want to find out if the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as a pesticide Thus, helping them to avail and make this pesticide at home with less or cheaper money, time and effort. Statement Of The Problem This study aims to test whether the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as an pesticide. This is because tobacco plant is abundant here in the Philippines. The process in making this insecticide is simple and much cheaper than the commercial pesticide because its just a home- made pesticide. There are two set- ups in this study, which will use: dried tobacco leaves ( thinly sliced ), water, mortar and pestle and a spray container. This study aims to answer the following questions: 1. )What is in the tobacco leaves that it is feasible as a pesticide? 2. )Is the dries tobacco leaves effective as a pesticide? HYPOTHESES 1. )The tobacco leaves has nicotine which is an effective component in killing cockroaches. 2. )The dried tobacco leaves is effective as a pesticide against cockroaches. Significance Of The Study Nowadays, human beings make many inventions, for the betterment of human life. One of this, is the pesticide . This is to prevent insects from causing damage to may crops and other plants. Some insects are considered to be pests because it really causes damage to many farmlands. And also many pesticide are expensive. This study helps the Filipino people especially the farmers in making a home- made pesticide which is less expensive, and easy to make and you'll only exert less effort. Scope and Limitation This study tries to focus only in knowing if the dried tobacco leaves is feasible as a pesticide in killing insects especially cockroaches. Definition of Terms Tobacco Plant- is an herbaceous plant, widely cultivated for its leaves, which are rolled into cigars and also used in making pipes, process for chewing or grinding into pieces or snuff. * Nicotine- a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. * Cockroach-  (or simply â€Å"roaches†) are  insects  of the order  Blattaria. This name derives from the  Latin  wor d for â€Å"cockroach†,  blatta. Chapter II Review Of Related Literature Cockroaches live in a wide range of environments around the world. Pest species of cockroaches adapt readily to a variety of environments, but prefer warm conditions found within buildings. Many tropical species prefer even warmer environments and do not fare well in the average household. The spines on the legs were earlier considered to be sensory, but observations of their locomotion on sand and wire meshes has demonstrated that they help in locomotion on difficult terrain. The structures have been used as inspiration for robotic legs. Cockroaches are most common in tropical and  subtropical  climates. Some species are in close association with human dwellings and widely found around garbage or in the kitchen. Cockroaches are generally  omnivorouswith the exception of the  wood-eating genus  Cryptocercus; these roaches are incapable of digestingcelluloseprotozoans  and  bacteria  that digest the cellulose, allowing them to extract the nutrients. themselves, but have symbiotic relationships with variousTobacco  is an  agricultural  product processed from the fresh  leaves  of plants in the genus  Nicotiana. It can be consumed, used as an organic pesticide, and in the form of nicotinetartrate  it is used in some medicines. [1]  In consumption it may be in the form of  smoking,  chewing,  snuffing,dipping tobacco, or  snus. Tobacco has long been in use as an  entheogen  in the Americas. However, upon the arrival of  Europeans  in North America, it quickly became popularized as a trade item and as a recreational drug. This popularization led to the development of the southern economy of the  United States  until it gave way to cotton. Following the  American Civil War, a change in demand and a change in labor force allowed for the development of the  cigarette. This new product quickly led to the growth of tobacco companies until the scientific controversy of the mid-1900s. Tobacco leaves has â€Å"nicotine†, a poisonous, colorless, oily, liquid, alkaloid with a very acid taste. Thus, making this a good pesticide against termites and many other insects. Pesticide are widely used nowadays by means of killing and controlling insects and other pests. A  pesticide  is a substance or mixture of substances used to kill a  pest. [1]  A pesticide may be a  chemicalpest. Pests include  insects, plant  pathogens, weeds,  molluscs,  birds,  mammals,  fish, nematodes (roundworms) and  microbesthat compete with humans for food, destroy property, spread or are a  vector  for disease or cause a nuisance. Although there are benefits to the use of pesticides, there are also drawbacks, such as potential toxicity to humans and other animals. Thus dried tobacco leaves can be an effective pesticide against cockroaches. It has a foul smell that cockroaches don't like. If they smelled this foul smell, they will eventually die afterwards because it has nicotine which is poisonous. ( http://en. wikipidia. org/wiki/cockroaches/tobacco/pesticide Chapter III Methodology Materials and Equipment: In this study , the researcher  will be  needing 500g of dried tobacco leaves ( thinly- sliced ), 200  mL. f water , mortar and pestle , and a spray container . With this materials ,the researcher will be able to conduct the experiment . Procedure: The researcher will gather all the materials needed for the experiment . The dried tobacco leaves will be crush by the use of the mortar and pestle. 200  mL. of water will be added . Shake and mix the solution thoroughly . The solution will be put inside the spray container. Then it will be sprayed on cockroaches. The cockroaches will be put inside a closed box container and will be observed for 24 hours. Testing , observation and recording of data will follow . CHAPTER IV Results and Discussions A. Findings [pic] The table above is the summary of the three-replicated experiments. The researcher observed that container A has always the longest fire resistance compared to container B which was with water, banana peels but without papers and to container C which is the controlled group. In trial 3, the fire resistance lasted longer tan in trials 1 and 2, respectively. It shows that the amount of banana peels is made constant in order for the experiment ti be fair. B. Analysis Of Data he banana peelings have the advantage in terms of the measured fire resistance. The banana peelings mixed with water and papers measured 200 seconds while the banana peelings with water but without papers measured 104 seconds and the water with papers but without banana peelings measured 96. 3 seconds. CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION Conclusion After conducting the experiment, the dried tobacco plant can be a good pesticide against cockroaches. And with that , it can minimized the consumers expenses in buying commercial pesticides. Recommendation The researcher highly recommend further study in the project especially to the use of other dried tobacco leaves.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Learning process in behaviour Essay

Learning is a permanent change in behaviour caused by experience. The learner does not need to have the experience directly; we can also learn by observing others . It is an ongoing process. Our knowledge of the world is continually being revised as we are exposed to new stimuli and receiving ongoing feedback that allows us to modify our behaviour when we find ourselves in a similar position again Psychologists who have studied learning have developed advanced therories on the process of learning. Here we will discuss the two major approaches to learning; instrumental and classical conditioning. Classical Conditioning It occurs when a stimulus that elicits a response is paired with another stimulus that initially does not elicit a response on its own. A Russian physiologist , Pavlov introduced classically conditioned learning by pairing a neutral stimulus ( a bell ) with a stimulus known to cause a salivation to dogs ( he squirted dry meat powder). The powder was an unconditioned stimulus because it was capable of causing the response. Over time, the dog has learned to associate the bell with its meat powder and begin to salivate at the sound of the bell only. The drooling of these canine consumers because of a sound now has a linked to feeding time, was a conditioned response ( CR ). This basic of classical conditioning applies to responses controlled by the autonomic and nervous systems. When these cues are consistently paired with a conditioned stimuli such as brand names, we as consumers may feel hungry, thirsty or aroused when later exposed to brand cues. Conditioning effects are more likely to occur after the (CS) conditioned and  unconditioned ( UCS ) stimuli have been paired a number of times. Repeated exposures increases the strength of stimulus-response associations and prevent the decay of these associations in memory. Many marketing strategies focus on the establishment of associations between stimuli and responses. Behavioural learning principal applies to many consumer phenomena, ranging from the creation of a distinctive brand image to the perceived linkage between a product and an underlying need. The transfer of meaning from an unconditioned stiulus to a conditioned stimulus explains why made-up brands like Marlboro, Coca-Cola or IBM can exert such powerful effects on consumers. Operant conditioning Over the years behaviourist have carried out operant principals out of the narrow world of the skinner box and into the wider room of society. The use of the operant techniques to help people change unwanted, dangerous, or self-defeating habits in real world settings is called behaviour modification ( applied behaviour analysis ) Behaviour modification has had enormous success, behaviorist have taught parents to toilet train their children in only a few sessions etc. as you can see from everyday world behaviour modificaton is not a science but an art. Operant Conditioning : process of applying the law of effect to control behaviour by manipulating its consequences. Law of effect: behaviour followed by pleasant consequences is likely to be repeated; behaviour followed by unpleasant consequences is not 4 basic reinforcement strategies is use in operant conditioning; – positive reinforcement -negative reinforcement -punishment -extinction Positive reinforcement : the process by which people learn to perform acts leading to such desirable outcomes. Whatever behaviour led to the positive outcome is likely to occur again, thereby strengthening that behaviour by making a pleasant consequences contingent onto its occurrence. Negative reinforcement: Negative reinforcement is the process by which people learn to perform acts that lead to removal of undesired events or unpleasant consequence contingent onto its occurrence. Punishment: administrating of negative consequences or withdrawal of positive consequences that tend to reduce the likelihood of repeating the behaviour in similar settings Extinction: ceasation of previously established reinforcer that is maintaining a behaviour by removal of a pleasant consequence of its occurrence. Positive reinforcement can take many forms. One of the strongest is praise and recognition for the good work. It is good rewards management. It shifts the emphasis and energy of the manger towards a larger number of employees, rather than focus all the attention and time on poorer employees. If done correctly it can make all but the worst employees feel that the organization recognizes and appreciates their effort and contributions. If the desired behaviour is specific in nature and is difficult to achieve , a pattern if positive reinforcement called shaping can be used. Shaping is the creation of a new behaviour by the positive reinforcement of successive approximations leading to the desired behaviour. Negative reinforcement governs a good deal of our behaviour. Some people do  think that it is a reasonable way to manage people at work that is, employees who engage in undesirable behaviour should expect something to happen to them. But there are some difficulties with this approach. First it creates a tens environment ( difficult to work everyday where the main motivation is to prevent unpleasant outcomes ) secondly, relationships often deteriorates when superiors represent a constant threat to be avoided. There can be adverse side effects in using punishment. – An action intended to punish may instead be reinforcing because it brings attention -the recepient of punishment often responds with anxiety ,fear or rage -the effectiveness of punishment is often temporay, depending heavily on the presense of the punishing person or circumstances -most misbehaviours is hard to punish immediately thus resutingin the reinforcement of the undesired behaviour -punishment conveys little info Extinction is important and quite commonly used. This strategy decreases the frequency of or weakens the behaviour . The behaviour is not â€Å"unlearned†; it simply is not exhibited. Since the behaviour is no longer reinforced, it will reappear when it is reinforced again. Whereas positive reinforcement seeks to establish and maintain desirable work behaviour, extinction on the other hand is intended to weaken and eliminate the undesirable behaviour Law of contingent reinforcement states for reward to have the maximum reinforcing value ; it must be delivered only if the desired behaviour is exhibited . Secondly, the law of immediate reinforcement states , the more immediate the delivery of a reward after the occurence of a desirable behaviour, the greater the reinforcing value of the reward. Timing of postiove reinforcement; a) the continuous reiforcemnt schedule administers a reqrd each tie a desired behaviour occurs b) b) an intermittent or patila reinforcement schedule rewars a behaviour only periodically. – 4 varieties of partial reinforcement schedule – a) Fixed interval schedules b)Variable interval schedules c)Fixed ratio schedules c) Variable ratio schedules In general , a mange can expect that the continuous reinforcement will draw a desired behaviour more quickly than will intermittent reinforcement Steps in positive reinforcement program; @identify specific behaviour that are to be changed; must be accurate and reliably observed and then recorded. Behaviour should be measurable and observable. @ determine the links between the target behaviour, its consequences and stimulus condition leading to the beaviour) @develop and set specific behaviour goals for each person and target behaviours @recording process toward the goal @apply appropriate consequences; rewards, punsihmnets,extinction